Environmentally friendly natural glue “Riga ECOlogical” is the latest work of Latvijas Finieris on the sustainable plywood industry. The innovative eco-friendly adhesive is gradually replacing the traditional adhesives used in the production of RIGA plywood and is being successfully applied in various projects.
RIGA ECOlogical - New Lignin-based adhesive for RIGA Plywood
Environmentally friendly natural glue “Riga ECOlogical” is the latest work of Latvijas Finieris on the sustainable plywood industry. The innovative eco-friendly adhesive is gradually replacing the traditional adhesives used in the production of RIGA plywood and is being successfully applied in various projects.
This technological breakthrough, achieved in collaboration with Stora Enso, the World Leader in the Chemical and Mechanical Forestry Industry, is the most important innovation of recent years in the bonding of Plywood products. RIGA Plywood's carbon footprint is reduced from production to end-use, providing all RIGA customers with a significant competitive advantage in an increasingly green business environment.
The results of industrial production trials show that all the technical properties of RIGA Plywood remain unchanged when the eco-friendly adhesive RIGA ECological containing Stora Enso Kraft lignin Lineo™ is applied. Of course, this is just the beginning. Our goal is to develop completely fossil-free plywood glue in the future, but many R&D projects are still ongoing to achieve this.
In all woods, Lignin, a polymeric substance that, together with Cellulose, forms the woody cell walls of trees and binds wood fibers and cells together, contains 20-30% of wood. This strong and rigid structure allows trees to stand and grow upright.
Industrial Lignin is extracted as a powdered by-product from wood, usually in the manufacture of chemical "Kraft" Pulp. Until the 2000s, the main use of Lignin was energy production by burning it with calorific values comparable to carbon.
Lignin is a recyclable and environmentally friendly product that is abundant in trees and plants all over the world. Therefore, it has recently become important to active research, developing new and more sophisticated uses. This rising technological wave with the most promising results belongs to the Megatrends of the World today. RIGA ECOLOGICAL is one of them.